Kepley BioSystems Research Team
Click each member's portrait to learn more.
Scientific and Business Advisory Board
Chaired by Dr. Jerrold Levy, the Kepley BioSystems Scientific and Business Advisory Board includes leading physicians, researchers and business developers. Emerging companies depend on objective, outside experts for strategic and tactical guidance, and as such the Kepley BioSystems advisory team is a vital resource to the company when submitting grants, designing clinical studies, or publishing its findings and progress toward disruptive innovations. Our advisors are also proactively engaged in the executive development of young operating managers with their insightful advice.
Jerrold H. Levy, MD, FAHA, FCCM
Chair, Medical Advisor
Professor of Anesthesiology & Associate Professor of Surgery,
Duke University Medical Center
Andrew Saxon, MD
Clinical Research Advisor
Professor of Medicine, Clinical Immunology/Allergy
University of California, Los Angeles
James L. Bowey, PhD
Financial Advisor
Professor Emeritus of Business Administration,
Senior Vice President & Portfolio Manager,
Affiliated Scientists
Kepley BioSystems collaborates with other organizations and scientists, especially as subcontractors listed in Federal Grants and in areas of shared interest. The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Federal Grant system encourages research affiliation when experts compliment study protocols and work product following academic standards. Affiliated Scientists are not board members or advisors.

Rebecca L. Remillard, DMV, PhD
Veterinary Nutritionist and Consultant
Owner of Veterinary Nutritional Consultants, Inc
Kepley BioSystems is proud to have the support and cooperation of the following partners and affiliates to assist in the progress of our research. Click on the images to learn more about each entity.
Team Biographies
Anthony Dellinger, PhD
President, Co-Founder, and Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Anthony Dellinger serves as President and Scientist. He has a biology background, including marine sciences. Dr. Dellinger’s expertise includes attractant molecular matter and chemistry, facilitating the invention and engineering of synthetic agents. He holds a BS in Forensic Molecular Biology with a Minor in Chemistry and a PhD in Nanoscience. He has authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed publications for over a decade in academia and industry. In 2015, Dellinger was named the inaugural Entrepreneur of the Year for 2015 at his alma mater, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dellinger is dedicated to improving public, societal, ecological, and economic outcomes through research, inventorship and enterprise. He is member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Horseshoe Crab Species Specialist Group and has served as a special topic’s editor for Frontiers Journal of Marine Science and JoVE for emerging and sustainable horseshoe crab research. In addition to numerous horseshoe crab peer-reviewed scientific publications, Dellinger’s 2018 scientific review entitled, The Role of Horseshoe Crabs in the Biomedical Industry and Recent Trends Impacting Species Sustainability has achieved more 70,000 reads and is recognized as the second most viewed article published by the Frontiers Journal of Marine Sciences. The horseshoe crab work at Kepley BioSystems was featured at the 148 th Annual Academy of Fisheries Science Conference in the "Spirit in the Night: Throwing Light on Our Many Connections to the American Horseshoe Crab" symposium in Atlantic City, NJ. Dellinger was selected as a TEDxGreensboro speaker (2020) and presented emerging sustainable horseshoe crab research being performed at Kepley BioSystems (Saving the horseshoe crab and fighting the virus with nanoscience). In addition to his entrepreneurial efforts, Dellinger holds an Adjunct Professorship at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering and remains dedicated to shaping future STEM scientists through scholarship and invention.
Terry E. Brady
Co-founder, Business Development and Innovation
Terry Brady’s 35 years of leadership experience includes global sales, marketing, invention/entrepreneurship, and executive management. Seasoned by early positions in multi nationals, including Johnson & Johnson, Richardson Vicks (purchased by Proctor and Gamble) and Union Carbide, Mr. Brady ultimately served as president of International Technidyne Corporation (ITC), Edison, NJ (now Accriva Diagnostics, San Diego, CA) and as founder, president and CEO of Array Medical, Inc., Somerville, NJ. In both roles, he led the growth and ultimate divestiture of the two companies: ITC to a Fortune 500 leader, ThermoElectron (394 in 1999); and Array to Helena Laboratories. In addressing customer needs, Mr. Brady was the lead inventor of four US patented products and numerous others with FDA-approval that remain in active commerce – many of which still enjoy segment dominance. During the first year of Array Medical operation, he conceived, developed, and conducted clinical trials for FDA approval of a major cardiovascular product. Successfully manufacturing and marketing this product through 50 worldwide dealers epitomized Mr. Brady’s mastery of traditional manufacturing operations, direction of an in-house marketing agency, and of establishing hundreds of relationships in a global dealership distribution business model.
Christopher L. Kepley PhD
Co-founder, Scientific Officer and Academic Relations
Professor Kepley has a comprehensive biology research background and is recognized internationally for his work, much of which he has shared in 90 peer-reviewed publications. In business, Dr. Kepley was the Group Leader of NanoBiology at Luna Innovations, where he increased revenue by $2 million during his three years as a full-time executive. His inventions have resulted in 11 issued patents for products in active commerce, notably, the first basophil-specific antibody (2D7) currently sold through several biotech companies. Dr. Kepley holds a tenured professorship at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. He has a BS in Biology, a PhD from Medical College of Virginia, and an MBA from the College of William and Mary.
Rachel Tinker-Kulberg PhD
Director of Research and Development
Dr. Rachel Tinker-Kulberg, the Director of Research and Development at Kepley BioSystems, has brought uncommon expertise to our team. At Kepley, Dr. Tinker-Kulberg is responsible for the development and testing of a new medical diagnostic assay using our proprietary technology. Her expertise in molecular biology, horseshoe crab aquaculture, and sustainable aquafeed formulation led to the production of a marine-derived pharmaceutical product used for the detection and identification of pathogens in human blood for the early treatment of septicemia.
Dr. Tinker-Kulberg earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of South Florida and her PhD in Biology from the University of California, San Diego. Her doctoral studies concentrated on understanding the DNA replication and transcription mechanisms of bacteriophage T4 in E. coli bacteria. Her postdoctoral research at the University of California, San Francisco, then focused on elucidating the mechanisms of DNA damage-induced cell cycle checkpoints in S. cerevisiae yeast.
Dr. Tinker-Kulberg further developed her professional credentials with the Syngenta Group as a senior staff scientist developing plant molecular biopharming techniques for the production of therapeutic recombinant proteins.
Dr. Tinker-Kulberg has also worked as an independent consultant and scientific writer, and she founded her own aquaponics and traditional soil-based urban farm enterprise. Her extensive efforts in community outreach and partnership with local organizations and academic institutions have contributed to community well-being and environmental sustainability through commercial agri-business workshops and nutritional health programs.
Lance Tōland
Community and Government Relations
Lance Tōland Associates Ltd. was established in August of 1975 after founder Lance Tōland recognized the need for a monoline aviation insurance agency with both insurance savvy and a dedicated commitment to clients.
With more than 30 years in the industry, Lance Tōland is an established leader in the field of aviation insurance services. His main office in Metro Atlanta is just minutes from facilities for every major aviation underwriter in the industry, allowing the agency to maintain close and productive working relationships with senior industry specialists.
Mr. Tōland is a published author, sharing his expertise in publications such as Business and Commercial Aviation, Forbes and Falcon Owners Newsletter. His regular aviation insurance column, "Ask Lance Tōland," appears in the Pilatus Owners and Pilots Association quarterly newsletter. Former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue appointed Mr. Tōland to his Aviation Task Force, which investigated state aviation resources regarding risk management, safety practices and overall efficiency. The undertaking resulted in a total revamp of the State's aviation assets, saving Georgia taxpayers millions of dollars and the implementation of many safety initiatives.
Lee Robertson
Director of Scientific Communications and Operations
Lee Robertson began working as a research scientist/technician with Professor Kepley at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN) in 2014. He built on dual degrees in applied nanoscience technology and the humanities. Robertson has also become certified in design software, thus mastering exceptional scientific communications skills. Organizational, commercial operations, IT and sales experience also evolved earlier in his career with a major retailer, spanning nearly 16 years of sales, inventory management and supervisory roles and responsibilities. Robertson volunteered and evaluated the use of a synthetic crustacean bait at Morgan State University’s PEARL research program in the 2016-2017 and aided in the annual blue crab stock assessment program. He presented his fisheries research in China at the Duke Kunshan University in 2016 and has organized the first International Marine Ecology Symposium at Savannah State University in 2018.
Jerrold H. Levy, MD, FAHA, FCCM
Professor of Anesthesilogy & Associate Professor of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center
Jerrold Levy is currently Professor of Anesthesiology and Surgery (Cardiothoracic), and CoDirector of the Cardiothoracic Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Miami, FL, where he was an intern in internal medicine, and undertook his residency in the Department of Anesthesiology of the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, where he was also Chief Resident, and completed fellowships in both Respiratory ICU and Cardiac Anesthesiology. He previously was Professor, Deputy Chair for Research, and Chief of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Emory University. His clinical and research interests include therapeutic strategies to prevent and treat bleeding, anticoagulation and its reversal, clinical applications of recombinant and purified protein concentrates, pharmacologic strategies to treat shock/ventricular dysfunction, and anaphylaxis. His clinical practice involves managing critically ill patients in the perioperative setting and intensive care unit. Some of his current appointments include Executive Editor of Anesthesiology, Co-chair of the Subcommittee on Perioperative and Critical Care Thrombosis and Hemostasis for the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, and consultant to the FDA‘s Blood Products Advisory Committee. He has authored over 400 publications, including original research articles, reviews, books, and book chapters.
David Phillips
IVD Industry Consulting Expert and Coagulation Product Pioneer
David Phillips is currently President of Independent Healthcare Consultants, Inc., a consulting firm focused on medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics with specific expertise in the IVD, POCT, DME and OTC markets. Mr. Phillips is an accomplished commercialization agent. Historically, most diagnostic testing took place either in the hospital’s main clinical laboratory or via commercial reference laboratories such as Quest or LabCorp. Additionally, the tests usually required large venipuncture patient samples. In the last thirty years the miniaturization of both the testing platforms and sample sizes became a catalyst for the adoption of POCT. Mr. Phillips became a pioneer in this emerging market segment and through his employment at Abbott, Alere, Biosite, ThermoFisher, HemoSense, i-STAT and Roche, he introduced and commercialized numerous products including novel platforms and tests for cardiac markers, coagulation, drugs of abuse, HCG, metabolites and therapeutic drugs.
Additionally, he was instrumental in developing strategies for reimbursement and regulatory issues affecting POCT. Through his positions at Roche and Alere he served as a sub-contractor to both the GUSTO (TPA) and ROCKET-AF (Xarelto) clinical trials. Mr. Phillip’s additional industry activities include serving as the Chair of the CLSI Quality Management for Unit-use Testing Subcommittee, member of the CLSI Point-of-Care Testing and Point-of-Care Coagulation Subcommittees and an Advisor to the CLSI Area Committee on POC. He has also served as the AdvaMed industry liaison to the College of American Pathologists (CAP) POCT Subcommittee. His articles on point-of-care testing have been published in peer-reviewed journals as well as numerous industry trade publications. Mr. Phillips is also the Owner, Winemaker and President of Sugar Creek Vineyard and Winery, Inc. a vertically integrated vineyard and winery producing and marketing distinctive, artisan wines from the Estate Vineyard in NW Indiana.
Frank M. LaDuca, PhD, FAHA
Regulatory, Compliance, and Scientific Advisor
Frank LaDuca is an independent consultant and adviser to the medical industry with extensive experience as a corporate officer in the medical diagnostics field. Dr. LaDuca received his doctoral degree from SUNY at Buffalo, NY, and completed a fellowship in Hematology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His expertise encompasses a unique blend of regulatory, compliance, quality, clinical and technical disciplines, allowing him to master the operational issues facing companies of all sizes and to effectively address regulatory and compliance needs. He has successfully completed remediation projects, relocated medical businesses and executed product and facility registration while ensuring business continuity. He has built organizations focused on product innovation while positioning companies for optimal fiscal performance, and his teams have been recognized as “Best in Class” in their sectors. As a corporate officer, Dr. LaDuca has also managed strategic business transformation with positioning and finalization of the business for sale. At Siemens Diagnostics, he was a member of a select team of senior staff responsible for the due diligence and integration of Bayer, Diagnostic Product Corporation and Dade to Siemens Diagnostics. As the CSO member of the Accriva Diagnostics Executive Leadership Team, he provided technical and compliance guidance in its sale to Instrumentation Laboratories/Werfen. Thereafter, he established an independent regulatory, compliance and scientific consultancy to the medical industry. Dr. LaDuca has served as Chair for both the Critical and Point of Care division of the AACC and of the Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) Point of Care Consensus Committee. He has authored numerous technical publications and routinely presents at national and international scientific meetings, most recently at the FDA Workshop for Standardization Guidelines for POCT Coagulation Testing (2016) - and has subsequently co-chaired the CLSI committee drafting the resulting CLSI Harmonized Standard.
Andrew Saxon, MD
Professor of Medicine, Clinical Immuniology/Allergy
Andrew Saxon serves as Chief Emeritus, Clinical Immunology/Allergy in the Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He received his Medical degree from Harvard Medical School and is board certified in Internal Medicine, Allergy and Clinical Immunology and Diagnostic/Laboratory Immunology. Dr. Saxon is a world-renowned expert in human cellular and molecular immunology and serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Immunology, the official journal of the Clinical Immunology Society. Dr. Saxon is also a Professor of David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, where he and his colleagues were the first to recognize HIV/AIDS in 1980. They brought this new disease to the attention of the CDC in 1981 and published their seminal research describing it in the New England Journal of Medicine that same year. Dr. Saxon and his collaborators have made breakthrough immunology discoveries, particularly with respect to allergic antibodies (IgE), and conducted pioneering research into the role of environmental factors in the modulation of the human immune response. Dr. Saxon also has developed extensive experience with KLH (Keyhole limpet hemocyanin) in its various molecular forms in his work. He serves as the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board at Stellar Biotechnologies, Inc. and has authored over 180 peer-reviewed research publications primarily dealing with the control and assessment of the human immune response.
James L. Bowey, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Senior Vice President & Portfolio Manager, 3Macs
James Bowey joined 3Macs (Raymond James) in 2007 after a distinguished academic career at the Williams School of Business, Bishop's University and The Lancaster University Management School in Lancaster, England. Today, he works as part of a Portfolio Management team, blending a wide skillset with a commitment to exceptional client service. For more than twenty years, Dr. Bowey successfully combined an active strategic consulting practice with his academic responsibilities. He was an award-winning Business Strategy, Industry Analysis and Competitiveness educator. Prior to joining the Bishop's faculty, he owned and operated several successful Canadian footwear businesses. He has been actively involved in private portfolio management for more than a decade, and he continues to serve as a director on both public and private boards. Dr. Bowey received his Ph.D. from Lancaster University in England.
Bob Barry
Product Design and Development Specialist, Co-founder/CTO of Nova Product Design
With nearly 25 years of developing medical products for Fortune 500 companies, as well as industrial, military and consumer products, Barry has logged over 50,000 hours on SolidWorks, Onshape and MasterCam, 3D Design CAD Software. This experience is complemented by unmatched, hands-on knowledge and proficiency of jurisdictions prototyping and manufacturing processes for product development.
In fact, Barry has played a key role in the successful development of over 100 products in the marketplace today, with a primary focus on medical devices. He is the inventor/co-inventor on numerous patents spanning: mechanical design, assembly and manufacturing for military, industrial, commercial, consumer, and medical product development. Additionally, Barry is expert in Quality Systems Management (13485-2016 and FDA Regulations for design controls CFR 820.30). He specializes in human factors, 3D printing technologies, injection molding, tooling, sheet metal forming, stamping, double-shot molding, molded plastics, polymers, co-polymers, extrusions, rubber, and die casting.
Barry’s connection to Kepley has a somewhat storied past, as Terry E. Brady, now chief inventor at Kepley, engaged John E. Studer, Jr. while Brady was the co-founder of W.T. Associates. Studer is a prolific design maven, who gained industry notoriety for designing the Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals oral contraceptives DialPak®. Studer also developed the initial, streamlined and ergonomic drawings for two of Brady’s products: Surgicutt® - Bleeding Time Device, and Tenderfoot® - Heel Incision Device, both of which have enjoyed over thirty years of market dominance without reengineering. Thereafter, Barry worked alongside Studer for many years, including refining further innovations with Brady when the latter was president of Array Medical.
Surgicutt® and Tenderfoot® are now registered trademarks of Accriva Diagnostics, Inc.
Sarah K. Abood, DMV, PhD
Veterinary Nutritional Consultant, Owner of Sit, Stay, Speak Nutrition, LLC
Dr. Sarah Abood earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Michigan State University and her PhD in nutrition from The Ohio State University. Since 2009, she has operated Sit, Stay, Speak Nutrition LLC specializing in nutritional coaching for veterinary health care professionals providing the latest nutrition advances and recommendations for companion animals. Her vast clinical experience in the pet food industry and academic practice, totaling more than 25 years, makes her an expert in the field of animal dietary health.
Rebecca L. Remillard, DVM, PhD
Veterinary Nutritionist, Owner of Veterinary Nutritional Consultants, Inc
Dr. Remillard earned her Ph.D. of animal science from Colorado State University, followed by a doctorate in veterinary medicine from Tufts University. She established Veterinary Nutritional Consultations, Inc., an independent consulting service specialized in formulating strategically appropriate dietary recommendations for dogs, cats and horses with medical conditions and has provided independent consulting to pet owners and veterinarians. For more information on her work with animal nutrition, please visit